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Added to the Dr.Web virus database: 2021-08-02

Virus description added:

Technical Information

Malicious functions:
Launches processes:
  • /bin/bash <SAMPLE_FULL_PATH> -c exec '<SAMPLE_FULL_PATH>' \"$@\" <SAMPLE_FULL_PATH>
  • /bin/bash <SAMPLE_FULL_PATH> -c
  • mv /bin/pidof /bin/prednizons
  • id -u
  • rm -rf /usr/lib/.dsht
  • rm -rf /usr/lib/scroll
  • clear
  • useradd -N -m -r -p 1234567890 aktif
  • nscd -i passwd
  • nscd -i group
  • passwd aktif aktif aktif
  • mkdir /home/aktif/ads
  • sleep 3
  • grep ^NAME
  • grep CentOS
  • cat /etc/os-release
  • grep Ubuntu
  • grep Debian
  • apt-get update -y
  • /usr/bin/dpkg --print-foreign-architectures
  • /usr/lib/apt/methods/http
Kills the following processes:
  • /usr/lib/apt/methods/http
Performs operations with the file system:
Modifies file access rights:
  • /home/aktif
  • /home/aktif/.bashrc
  • /home/aktif/.bash_logout
  • /home/aktif/.profile
  • /etc/passwd+
  • /etc/shadow+
  • /etc/subuid+
  • /etc/subgid+
Creates folders:
  • /home/aktif
  • /home/aktif/ads
Creates symlinks:
  • /etc/passwd.lock
  • /etc/group.lock
  • /etc/gshadow.lock
  • /etc/subuid.lock
  • /etc/subgid.lock
  • /etc/shadow.lock
Creates or modifies files:
  • /bin/pidof
  • /etc/.pwd.lock
  • /etc/passwd.717
  • /etc/group.717
  • /etc/gshadow.717
  • /etc/subuid.717
  • /etc/subgid.717
  • /etc/shadow.717
  • /var/log/faillog
  • /var/log/lastlog
  • /home/aktif/.bashrc
  • /home/aktif/.bash_logout
  • /home/aktif/.profile
  • /etc/passwd-
  • /etc/passwd+
  • /etc/shadow-
  • /etc/shadow+
  • /etc/subuid-
  • /etc/subuid+
  • /etc/subgid-
  • /etc/subgid+
  • /var/lib/apt/lists/lock
  • /var/lib/apt/lists/security.debian.org_dists_jessie_updates_InRelease
  • /var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.ru.debian.org_debian_dists_jessie-updates_InRelease
Deletes files:
  • /usr/lib/.dsht
  • /usr/lib/scroll
  • /etc/passwd.717
  • /etc/group.717
  • /etc/gshadow.717
  • /etc/subuid.717
  • /etc/subgid.717
  • /etc/shadow.717
  • /etc/shadow.lock
  • /etc/passwd.lock
  • /etc/group.lock
  • /etc/gshadow.lock
  • /etc/subuid.lock
  • /etc/subgid.lock
Network activity:
Establishes connection:
  • 15#.##1.2.132:80
  • 15#.##1.66.132:80
  • 15#.##1.130.132:80
  • 15#.##1.194.132:80
  • [2####4e42::644]:80
  • [2#####e42:600::644]:80
  • [2#####e42:400::644]:80
  • [2#####e42:200::644]:80
  • 85.###.112.112:80
  • ft#.##.debian.org
  • se####ty.debian.org
Collects RAM information

Curing recommendations


After booting up, run a full scan of all disk partitions with Dr.Web Anti-virus for Linux.

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