Awaits incoming connections on ports:
Establishes connection:
- 8.#.8.8:53
- 10#.##9.30.228:4321
- 21#.##6.42.130:26
- 15#.##1.104.69:26
- 13#.##6.45.239:26
- 15#.##0.196.7:26
- 13#.##8.88.233:26
- 13#.##0.129.52:26
- 10#.##7.171.227:26
Attacks using a special dictionary (brute-force technique) via the Telnet protocol.
Attacks using a special dictionary (brute-force technique) via an undefined protocol.
Sends data to the following servers:
- 14#.##1.37.221:26
- 84.##.178.180:26
Receives data from the following servers: