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Added to the Dr.Web virus database: 2012-07-28

Virus description added:

Technical Information

To ensure autorun and distribution:
Modifies the following registry keys:
  • [<HKLM>\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices] 'Video File' = 'vfdhost.exe'
  • [<HKLM>\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run] 'Video File' = 'vfdhost.exe'
Malicious functions:
Creates and executes the following:
  • <SYSTEM32>\vfdhost.exe 560 "<Full path to virus>"
Searches for windows to
detect analytical utilities:
  • ClassName: 'PROCMON_WINDOW_CLASS' WindowName: ''
  • ClassName: 'RegMonClass' WindowName: ''
  • ClassName: 'FileMonClass' WindowName: ''
Modifies file system :
Creates the following files:
  • <SYSTEM32>\vfdhost.exe
  • %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\TEMP:466F9D5D
  • <SYSTEM32>\wpcap.dll
  • <SYSTEM32>\packet.dll
  • <DRIVERS>\npf.sys
Sets the 'hidden' attribute to the following files:
  • <SYSTEM32>\vfdhost.exe
Deletes itself.
Network activity:
Connects to:
  • 'ch##.#araldmark.com':1311
  • DNS ASK ch##.#araldmark.com
Searches for the following windows:
  • ClassName: 'mIRC' WindowName: ''