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Added to the Dr.Web virus database: 2017-04-13

Virus description added:


LM modules:

  • b86935c4539901cdec9081d8a8ca915903adaff1
  • ce4b3c92a96137e6215a5e2f5fd28a672eddaaab
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  • 6c0d96f481a1d9ea3abf54ec76dac5a449ece536
  • 689c26a8ede9bb399e010b82877e961bebd3afaa
  • 877156682bcb30d2c03bb9be30f8ab641a1abebf
  • db149c873e833920614db422eb79b50835832dcd
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  • d6b37e3cf7391216811ce2426c17c489df83e261
  • 019f29e23e3183059b60b5b1fd267e9f0197068c
  • 3c38f33c224ee7c1c086f890033001815f1afa66

DL modules:

  • 4ddec62c8a335ff3a3997ce48819c0d23d92f621
  • 0f55ffa6f8299b00e1529efc3d65e401fa4846f4
  • 96d213747857265a9b76c26abab1c5c8fcb3f87b
  • 274181d2f9c6b8f0e217db23f1d39aa94c161d6e
  • 8abbb049bffd679686323160ca4b6a86184550a1
  • 9cde845852653339f67667c2408126f02f246949
  • 95444c2ccc5fff19145d60f1e817fd682cabe0cd

DM modules:

  • 105cc7d967da90ed5ad46a5825c5365296c70fb5
  • 59f9c1490f78e202f7a63cc634000cf504ce152d
  • d2b876473cc54ca772b304114155ac2781a8e83c
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  • b624c9a0aeacf2d5869e598a0b004f1a5fda9ebe
  • 6ab9e1c83276db2d9057a5f5cc6821897af2a83b
  • f2b44b7fb39d5628109eb128caebe3c481dd16d2
  • 42d965a29b77e8261c9b5a1525933861b4cfd052
  • 52e833630b141648e61e56175d371cbe19c1e607
  • b3670fe162a461b9e5744ff25041722f7ce1b209
  • b936492f17328852ca7adc33c6229a28b4423ecd
  • 900edeaa548a935cd2f431be48d1e5cb445c382f
  • 956e903ed42e7eadb8cedb3d2a5b216ca7fc8991
  • 70e883bdfd576fa6d1f621be3752e651472e1f82
  • eebabf60bf9bddf0ee9ef5c453320089ef5f80a7
  • a594f6ad9e23b8bd1e07b54b5755f1d042238a42
  • a2d51bffa629851734d51823319c9dccf1a5d6c0
  • c4f4b1075115ecdb1e906cc15b5545d0e600956f
  • 0b303ad8c481dcf039d2cae03c890b3894e7cf92
  • 26bb4336be46f6fceb5bb63d67795c5cb13e2f54
  • c0053ebd64f09f324b6dfa31264f107acf45b59d
  • 70bd08854371e869eaa030dec69f5bed68189edb
  • dd400d68bd634fa776a7dc2b1e30414d08393311
  • 1de17117a226a1788c6e57fa39ac4f218db2f73d

Linux Trojan written in the script language Lua. First attacks with this Trojan were registered in December 2016. Since then, these malicious programs have been constantly evolving. The Trojan consists of 31 Lua scripts, packed using UPX, packed scripts are written in the end of the packed file between the tags “--block–” and “--block-end–”. The list of scripts in the Trojan:



A script that is designed to brute-force attack remote nodes using a special dictionary. The following values are used for generation of combinations:


The script contains a list of subnets, which avoid the attack:


The script checks the architecture of the attacked device by the file name “/bin/ls” of the directed device. The Trojan infects devices possessing the following architectures: Intel x86 (and Intel x86_64), MIPS, MIPSEL, Power PC, ARM, SPARC, SH4, and M68k.

screenshot #drweb

From the very first known versions of the Trojan, it makes attempts to detect honeypots with the command "echo -en":

screenshot #drweb

When downloaded on the attacked device of appropriate architecture, it is saved to file “/tmp/drop”:

screenshot #drweb

When the attack is carried on via the SSH protocol, the Trojan is loaded to the file /tmp/drop and then launched.

Information on compromised devices is saved in the text file ssh.txt in the following format:



  • ip—IP address of the hacked device;
  • port—connection port;
  • user—user name;
  • password—password;
  • arch—device architecture.
  • bftelnet.lua


This script operates the same way as bfssh.lua. The following values are used for generation of combinations of logins and passwords:

local accounts={

In the course of an attack via the Telnet protocol, the compromised device is loaded with a small DL module, which is used to download the actual Trojan. Information on compromised devices is saved in the text file ssh.txt.


HTTP server of the Trojan is implemented in this script. The port is indicated in the configuration file of the malicious program: port 8888 is used by default. The HTTP server can execute the following commands:

  • /upload—save and execute file. When launched, the file signature is checked with the public key stored in the configuration.
  • /info—returns information on the Trojan in the JSON format, including versions of Lua and backdoor, and data on the device architecture and the Trojan module. This function is disabled in the version detected back in May 2017.
  • For the rest of requests, the Trojan determines the basename of the request (file name) and checks its availability in a work folder of the Trojan. If the file is present, the Trojan sends it; if else, it returns the 404 error.


The script contains functions for operation via the HTTP protocol, including functions for traffic encryption during the transfer of data to the command and control (C&C) server. The packs transferred to and from the C&C server contain the value of the first DWORD with the RC4 key for encryption; the first DWORD in the decrypted information contains CRC23 from data.

The packs received from the C&C server contain not only RC4 and CRC32, but also the signature ed25519 that is checked by the key from the configuration of the Trojan.


The script with the functions for operation of the P2P network, in particular, reception of files of configuration and modules via the Bittorent DHT protocol. All configuration files and update lists are supplied with the signature for verification procedure.

In order to obtain updates, the script addresses the P2P network, generates info_hash in the format of sha1('%s%s' % (pub_key, name)), where pub_key is the public key from the Trojan configuration file, name—configuration file name (server, update, script). The received data has the following structure:

'k': '\xc6Z7\xab\xd4\xae\x10\xca\xcf\xc7f\x9d\xf4Vx\x19f\xc6\x86$@\xe0\x19!\xef\xf7\xdd\x9b\xe9,s\xca',
'sig': '\xb51\xdai\xb9\xc1\xd9\xc6k8h\xf5\xe4j\x889\xdf\xa9XW@\x08T\x0c328_\x99\xac\xeeqt{\xff[F^\xdfT\x87\xa8X\xde\x9d\xff\xabg\xc0\x16_\x83\xa6\xd7\xc0\xb0\xfd\x1d\xdc~\xf0*\xb5\x0c',
'seq': 1493655967,
'v': '176.***.***.145:8080\n'

where k—public key, sig—signature, seq—timestamp of creation/signing of data, v—payload. If the value of seq is higher than the one of the available configuration file, it will be replaced with the configuration file obtained from the network.

Once the Trojan obtains new configuration files, it launches two threads, one for the update configuration and another—for the script configuration. These threads pick configuration files and extract from them pairs “name-hash”. Then the P2P network receives a request for the search of peers that have info_hash that is generated as sha1('%s%s%s' % (name, seq, data)), where name is the configuration name (update/script), seq—its timestamp, and data—configuration data. All detected peers are considered to be sharing servers. The Trojan sequentially downloads a file from each of the servers and checks its hash for matches with the searched one. For all files, except scripts, a digital signature is also checked.


The script contains the following text:

А при коммунизме всё будет за**ись
Он наступит скоро — надо только подождать
Там всё будет бесплатно,там всё будет в кайф
Там наверное вощще не надо будет (умирать)
Я проснулся среди ночи и понял, что -
           ВСЁ ИДЁТ ПО ПЛАНУ


The script contains functions for installation of the Trojan to the autorun using Cron or a system service. To do that, the malicious program creates symlinks to the copy of its executable file:

screenshot #drweb


Creates the SOCKS5 proxy server on the port indicated in the configuration file.


The script that is supposedly designed for the self-update of the Trojan under the condition of inactive P2P connection. Scans subnets in search of devices infected with its own copies (checks ip:8888/info) and saves all its LM scripts on these devices upon request (ip:8888/upload).

DL module

This module is installed on a device hacked via the Telnet protocol to the file “/tmp/srv” and launched with the stdout redirection to the file /tmp/drop. The Trojan connects to the port that interacts with the DL module and downloads its copy to the compromised device. Then it connects to the compromised device and installs access privileges for the file /tmp/drop, after that it runs its own copy.

DM module

Improved version of the DL module. It is installed in the folder “/tmp/dwl” on the compromised device and launched with the stdout redirection to a file. It receives an argument with a link to the file and downloads this file to stdout.


The following versions of the Trojan are currently known:

Build dateKnown modulesFeatures of
2016-11-27i686.dl, mips.dl, mipsel.dl
2016-12-14 i686.dl, mips.dl, mipsel.dl, armv4l.dl
2017-02-06mipsel.lmFirst known version of the LM module.
2017-02-12i686.lm, mips.lm, mipsel.lm, armv4l.lm, powerpc.lmThe worm.lua script is removed.
2017-02-19i686.lm, mips.lm, mipsel.lm, armv4l.lm, powerpc.lm
  • Packed with UPX, there is only signature in the end of the file.
  • In the unpacked file in the section “.data” after the main script, there is a GZIP archive with scripts.
  • The loaderPort variable was removed from the configuration. It stored a port for operation of the DL module.
  • The code that is responsible for the network activity was partially rewritten.
  • Creation of SOCKS5 proxy server, hack launch via the SSH protocol and initialization of the P2P communication were disabled.
2017-02-28i686.lm, mips.lm, mipsel.lm, armv4l.lm, powerpc.lmThe module for hacking via the SSH protocol and P2P module were added again.
  • Variable fileServers was added to the configuration (to save the module sharing servers).
  • HTTP server in /info instead of list of DL modules returns list of DM modules.
2017-03-12i686.lm, mips.lm, mipsel.lm, armv4l.lm
  • Added a module wachdog.lua that is responsible for launch, monitoring and interaction of modules.
  • Parameter “installName” was added to the configuration. It defines the name of the Trojan for its installation.
2017-04-10i686.dm, mips.dm, mipsel.dm, armv4l.dm, powerpc.dm, sh4.dm, mipsel.lm, armv4l.lm, powerpc,lm
  • Modules telnet.lua and bftelnet.lua were significantly changed.
  • DM module is used instead of DL module.
  • List login:password was significantly expanded in order to hack nodes via the Telnet protocol.
2017-04-11i686.lm, mips.lm, mipsel.lm, armv4l.lmList login:password was significantly expanded in order to hack nodes via the SSH protocol.
2017-04-15i686.dm, mips.dm, mipsel.dm, armv4l.dm, powerpc.dm, sh4.dm, i686.lm, mips.lm, mipsel.lm, armv4l.lm, powerpc.lm, sh4.lmFixed an error in the bftelnet.lua script.
2017-04-29i686.dm, mips.dm, mipsel.dm, armv4l.dm, powerpc.dm, sh4.dm, i686.lm, mips.lm, mipsel.lm, armv4l.lm, powerpc.lm, sh4.lm
  • Commented debug code was removed from the scripts.
  • Configuration was expanded with the following parameters: “httpDir” (directory with modules), “rootDir”.
  • Port of the HTTP server is now chosen randomly (in the range of 1024 to 61000)
  • Code of the SOCKS5 proxy server is fully removed.
2017-05-01i686.dm, mips.dm, mipsel.dm, armv4l.dm, powerpc.dm, sh4.dm, i686.lm, mips.lm, mipsel.lm, armv4l.lm, powerpc.lm, sh4.lmChanged the address of the command and control server.

News about the Trojan

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